Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fallen Coming Together

After a long, unhappy, busy week, I finally got to meet Fallen, my DIM Doll Happy Flowne (head).

Her head arrived on Thursday, much to my happiness, safe and sound. I was so afraid that the post man wouldn't leave the box even though she didn't need to be signed for, but he did! Justin's mom hid her on the counter in the kitchen, so I walked in thinking she hadn't arrived. >.>

Her wig arrived yesterday too! A surprise wig from the LeekeWorld wig event. All I did was select her size, select short/med length, and ask for a light blue (Whisper Blue, but they said those were out of stock). I opened the envelope to find a Cadet Blue wedge-cut wig that fits snuggly on her head. :) She looks so adorable! The wig was a pain to get on, but it fits her personality perfectly. :D It hangs just around her ears too! Lol. Those long things. >w< I'm so afraid something is going to happen to them before her body arrives. x_x (Which only has two little payments left! :D)

So, I now have my first floating head. (Who's model is appropriately named "Flowne", lol.) As soon as I get sealant, cleaner, and pastels, she will have the loveliest natural face-up ever. >w< I'm so excited! (And Rolly and Shii-Tsuu will get redone as well... Maybe I should buy TWO cans of sealant... >.>) I even got a nice pair of red 14mm eyes for her for a whole $6!! $6!! (This is cheap for eyes.) I believe they are GLiB, which is fine by me, because I absolutely LOVE GLiB eyes. :3

She's definitely going to look a lot like Suzu-chan afterall. >w< Do you remember Suzu-chan? That elf-girl I posted a picture of SOOOOO long ago? Ahh, well, I guess I shall repost her, so you can all see again! :3 Lol. She happens to be from a Hentai Game... Unfortunately... But that's okay. I just like her for her cuteness. :3 She's just a little sweetheart! ♥ -^_^-

Well, that's it for now... I'm going to swim in my homework once more as my munchkin naps. :) My cute little boy. He's so smart! Last night, he told me he was ready to "S'eep!" and marched off to his room. Once we got there, he grabbed his turtle and a diaper, handed me the diaper, and waited to be changed. He then informed me, all dry, that he wanted to "wear trucks" and pointed to his sleep'n'play jammies. When I asked him about them, he laughed like mad and waited patiently for me to stick his feet in and then put his arms out for the sleeves. I then got cuddles and squeezes, he let me set him in his bed, and then said, "Nigh-nite Mama. Nigh-nite daddy," looking passed me for Justin. Justin came in, the two hugged, and Kole laid down and passed out immediately. Lol. XD My wonderful baby boy. Can you believe he's only a year and a half! His pediatrician asked me (jokingly) if he was 2 1/2 on Monday (his 18 month check up)! Even she is amazed by how quickly he's progressing! XD

Okay, enough bragging. I'm going, I swear! >w< Lol.

Thanks for joining me once again as I try my best to do everything I need to do every day! :)

Hope to see you again soon!
-The BJD Addict

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