Friday, September 21, 2012

1st Day of Fall/VOLKS News

Happy First Day of Fall everyone! :D

Did you open your windows and smells the air today? It smells wonderful outside! I can't wait for bonfires and other fall activities to begin already!

So... Let's see... An actual update... Hmm....

The Steampunk Set is coming along. The stockings are most definitely the easiest part of the whole outfit simply because I know doing them by hand looks better than it would if I did them by machine. Lol. I can't wait to find that stinkin' camera so I can post the next Sneak Peak like I was going to WEEKS ago! @_@ I swear, I'm putting a beeper or something on it as soon as I find it! Then, the next time it runs away, I can just beep it and it will scream, "HERE I AM!" Lol. It would make my life that much easier! XD Especially since my smaller electronics run away screaming half the time anyways. (For those of you wondering how I managed to post pictures of Fallen, my fiancee's tab and my phone take okay pics, but the next Sneak Peak is on the camera's memory card. I wouldn't want to post my EXACT progress just yet... It wouldn't be a Sneak Peak if I did! Lol.)

Fallen now has her eyes. They look to be Poppy Red GLiB acrylics and are VERY beautiful in person and almost match Suzu-chan's eyes completely! Unfortunately, I forgot entirely about needing eye putty, so her eyes are just sitting inside her head and not in the sockets. Lol. So! I added that to my VOLKS USA shopping cart and put it aside for now. Hopefully I'll get those supplies soon. >.< It's driving me mad to have my girls packed away or not looking right. :\

Also, in hunting for information about when VOLKS USA will restock its Dollfie Dreams, I found that VOLKS JAPAN has previews of their new base DDs, MDD Rena, DDS Mayu, and DDdy Miko. All three are set to be released on Oct. 20th, so hopefully the restock here will be sometime afterwards. :D They all look very beautiful and I can't wait to see what people will do with them. :) I'm actually in love with Rena and Mayu myself. Such cuties. (I don't think I like DDdy's at all... I'm not sure why considering I always draw women very well endowed. Lol.)

I found that they released a new head (DDH-07) back in August during an event only held in Japan. It looks uncannily like their Saber Dollfie Dream head, but that's alright by me! One of my friends suggested to me if I can't GET a Saber, I could always MAKE a Saber one day using this head and finding her wig, clothes, and eyes. It's doable, but part of me wonders if part of the dream is to finally be able to GET Saber instead of MAKE her... I'm not sure though. :\  I wonder if I'll ever know... Either way the head itself is another gorgeous sculpt. I hope they decide to let VOLKS USA hold the same event here come October - November. I can say there are some on eBay as pre-painted heads, but those will cost you about $188 just for the head, so the decision is yours alone. ;)

Ahh well, that's all for now... This has become a pretty long update rather quickly. Lol. Sorry about that! ^_^''

Keep an eye out for updates on VOLKS items here. Trying my best to make them as accessible to us as they are in Japan since the VOLKS USA blog doesn't always tell us everything. Lol. (Kind of a shame, really. I like reading about things... even if they don't happen over here. Lol.)

Thanks for joining me! ~♥
-The BJD Addict

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