Monday, August 13, 2012

Moving, Messes, and Mayhem

ACK!! Two weeks since my last post!! O.O That's surprising... I fear I might have only 2 or 3 this month, things have been pretty hectic lately... @_@

Last picture I took of the pajamas before sewing.
So, moving might be pushed back to next month... I'm still going crazy with packing and sorting, and figuring out school... I literally picked the busiest month of this year to start moving. x_x But that's ok, we go to Justin's 4 days a week now, so I'm slowly moving things there every time we go... My sewing machine and fabric is already there, but I plan on working this Friday and getting some things done... I may even bring them home to work this weekend for the coming week... I feel so behind since I messed up on the pajamas... I need to make a few of the patterns larger, and resew her pants, lol, I kinda wiggled a bit near the crotch, so they don't lay right. >w<

I'm always tired now... Like I was when Kole was a newborn... I find myself napping when he's cuddled beside me now. Lol. It's nice to snuggle, he even snuggles me in his crib! Lol. You know, I used to think climbing into a baby's crib was ridiculous (still, without reason, it is, sorry folks), but Kole now ASKS every night for mommy to curl up beside him in HIS bed and read him a story. He doesn't want mommy's bed (I give him the option), he wants me to squish my 5'6" self into his 4" long crib. >w< Needless to say, my feet hang over the top of one side, but hey, I love Kole more than life itself, so what's 5-10 mins of being squished? XD

I'm doing more and more research now on many types of dolls. My current research is on Dollfie Dreams and Mini Dollfie Dreams; taking their measurements and such, and writing them in a notebook dedicated to BJD research. (It's a pretty purple Moleskin, I think I'm in love with these notebooks!) But, constantly looking at them and discovering things about them makes me think I am more a vinyl lover than a resin girl. :) So, it makes me excited for a time that I will be able to have one. I've finally decided to add Saber to my wishlist... I know it's a pipe dream, but I'm in love, she's just so perfect! The fiancee tells me, "One day, honey," every time I mention her, but I feel like that day may never come. All I can do is hope and work towards that goal right now, but it'd be nice to have some solid evidence that I might have her one day. Lol. I'd love to find the first Saber, the one from eons ago, and then find her Casual Clothes (like the picture) for her to wear. I'm going this Saber for a Halloween party this year and a Con next year, so it'd be nice to double one day. Lol. >w<

Ahh, but that seems worlds away. >.< Oh well, I do believe that is all I have for today. I think I shall go to bed now, as it's rather late. Lol. Short entry, but still... Time for sleep.

Thanks for reading~! ♥
-The BJD Addict

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