Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pajamas and Contemplations

Welcome~! Welcome back~! Thank you for joining us, this evening. :)

Today's topic is "Pajamas and Contemplations"... Or explained simply as: I worked on those pajamas and thought a few things over. Lol. It is also April 10th, 2012... Exactly 13 months ago my little munchkin was born. :) I'm such a proud mommy. He's such a good little boy. >w< And so utterly smart it kills me. He said a new phrase today, "My daddy." Lol. Which makes for a grand total of 4 phrases. FOUR PHRASES AT 13 MONTHS OF AGE!!! His pediatrician will flip at his next appointment, because he will certainly have more by then!!

The fabric I'm using. Photo via Jo-Ann Fabrics.
So, as of today, I have almost completed that pajama shirt I was working on yesterday. I still haven't used the sewing machine, and, at this point, I don't think I will. Even my mother says doll clothes on a sewing machine is more work than it's worth. So I've decided to just keep doing things by hand... HOWEVER, this will still take longer than I wanted, so now I'm wondering if I should just put whatever listings up on May 1st that I have done, and add more as I go... I'm thinking that would be more realistic than sewing 30+ things by hand in 21 days. @_@ I'm actually really beginning to see what I have taken on with deciding to do this at all.  x_x And it really doesn't seem possible as of my current situation right now unless I adjust it to fit my schedule, like I've done with many things for the past 13 months. :) So, I believe that doing what I can before then is the best I can do, and that's definitely better than giving up completely.

On another note: I have gone back to the drawing board with C.C.'s R2 outfit... I thought about doing it with a zipper, but that would involve cutting the Black Knight's Logo Patch I bought in half... Unfortunately, I don't think that would be a good idea, so I might be doing this outfit sans zipper. Lol. Oh well, at least, if I need a navy zipper for something else, I shall have one. >w< But I still need to make a proper pattern for the outer layer and complete the underclothes part of it. >.< BUT I'm still sewing for the Etsy store, so clothing for C.C. is NOT the best thing to be worrying about currently, lol, even though I do want her looking all proper by the end of the year at least. ;) Perhaps I can figure something out... Hopefully.... >.>

C.C. from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

I actually want to Cosplay this outfit and twin with C.C. one day, but I KNOW that will never happen... When am I ever going to go to a Con? Really? I've been trying to go to one for the past 8 years of my life... And it STILL hasn't worked out in my favor... x_x I never even make it to my own college's Con!! LCCC throws Shinboku Con every year around this time and I can't even plan to go for my birthday! x_x (I sound like a total kid right now... Lol. Whining away about a Con. >w<)

Well, we all know how many days and what my goal is... But a new goal should be to get a better memory card for my camera so I can take pictures and post them more often... >.> But anyways...

30+ things to sew... 21 days... Taking things one day at a time as a mom, student, housewife, and seamstress... I can do this!! WISH ME LUCK~!!!

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