Tuesday, April 3, 2012

28 Days Left! a.k.a: Wig Day!

Parabox Alice - 40cm as C.C. from Code Geass; no face-up.

So, welcome back to day three of posting...  With one pair of stockings completed and a shirt started, we shall begin our quest there. -^_^- Stockings? CHECK! Shirt? Began~! AND! C.C. got to wear her wig today thanks to the awesome shipping abilities of the USPS. Three days to get from Arkansas to Ohio!!

It really is a lovely wig. Kind of a bed-head look for C.C., it's her first of two wigs. I decided to brush it gently with a toothbrush before putting it on her. Once I put it on her, I braided it after separating her signature two front bits and placing them into position. The only problem is, when I finally took a picture, she looked horrible because of the high-def-ness of the camera I borrowed. x_x Too many fly-aways and stragglers, but oh well, at least she now has a wig and eyes... Face up still to be painted, I'm waiting on the sealer and primer to arrive, and body yet to be blushed. Her bangs look like they need a trim... >.>

Well, anyways, no fantastic adventures today, really. Just more reading BJD for Beginners and some sewing. -^_^- Kole even behaved all day!! (He's been in a foul mood lately because he is cutting his one year molars.) He's such a good baby, anyways though, so I shouldn't say such things as he "behaved", more like he was in a good mood today... Although, that wouldn't work either because I keep hearing that he's the happiest baby that [insert person here] has ever met. >w< Such a good baby~! And he LOVES C.C. He always giggles when he sees her and goes, "I see?" or "See it?". I usually let him hold her (without stand and wig) since she has no paints or primers on her. He doesn't do anything but look at her. >w< He's more in awe than wanting to play with her. Lol.

So, the book taught me a few things today... Like how to restring a resin doll... Kind of a need-to-know in this business. Lol. So I'm glad for that, I just wish there was a section on face up or something. It shows how to put eyelashes on and what glue to use though (that lets you remove them when you wish to switch things up). My eyelash scissors are coming with the primer and sealer, so I'm waiting on them too! Lol.
Knee highs/stockings
on C.C.

Didn't get to the craft store today, either. :( I still need that glue to keep my ribbons from fraying. Stockings are ribbon-less thus far, but still nice to look at none-the-less. I put them on C.C. to make sure they would fit, even though I drew the pattern from her measurements. They look pretty good for my test pair. :) I used an old shirt that I cut apart for my test run, rather than my fabric I bought just for the purpose of making doll clothes to sell. Lol. Maybe I'll get that ribbon and actually finish THAT pair tomorrow. Lol. But on the shirt note: Oh gosh I hope it fits! >w< I'm working on clothing for the Ball-Jointed Boutique as well as clothing for C.C. herself. I plan on making all her outfits, and some random ones like pajamas and these stockings.

Oh, did you know, all the pictures on my blog are clickable? The ones IN a post show you their actual size and the ones on the sides and bottoms take you places. The bottom three are two stores/doll vendors (left and right photos), and my store, the Ball-Jointed Boutique (middle photo). The upper right photo on the blog takes you to my Facebook Page for the BJB. It has links to the store and back to the blog if needed. As well as the store policies and such. Right now, it's working as pre-advertising and a countdown like the blog is. I hope to post photos there soon, but I'm only keeping them to my blog thus far. Makes it a little easier on me to do things one day at a time, and adding photos to the blog is easier than uploading on FB for some reason or another. Probably another glitch. x_x

By the by, The Junky Spot is this AMAZING doll place located in the US of A. It's actually where my fiancée purchased "Alice" for me as an early birthday present. -^_^- And Parabox is the "parent" company of Obitsu, which made "Alice". :) They're located in Japan though, so I attached the English Site link, however everything is still sold in Yen. Just Google "yen to dollar" and it will bring up two boxes in which you can enter any amount you need to convert into USD. The Junky Spot is USD though, so don't worry. :)
FairyLand LittleFee El
Elf Version - 25cm

Well, I'm on day two of wanting FairyLand LittleFee Rolly. I figure if I still like her/want her after I do all the research I did with Alice and Wallace, then she is a good investment. And, knowing me, I will most likely make clothes for her. Lol. I just don't know if I want to sell clothing for two different sizes of doll, both male and female, because that would ultimately result in purchasing a boy to be Rolly's partner so I can make a male line of clothing in 25cm size. (I would probably choose FairyLand LittleFee El, but who knows? Couldn't find a normal version photo, only the Elf version, but El is just the doll's face name, really.) I would need him to make sure the clothing actually fit! Lol. -^_^- (Or maybe that's just a lie to have a matching set. Mwua-ha-ha-ha!!)

I kind of wouldn't mind starting an actually BJD collection, but my current hobby is more-so making the clothes for the dolls, rather than collecting them. Lol. I don't know, maybe when I'm older and my business rocks enough to buy more than one or two, maybe then we'll see if I'm a collector or an artist... Or both! Lol. (You DO kinda need to be an artist in the face-up area, especially if you want your doll to be realistic rather than doll-ish. Lol.)

Ayaka Nishiki, from Koimomo.
She looks a lot like me... o.o
Just thought I'd share, so you'd
have a "face" to my blog.
Ahh, well, not sure what else to say today, other than thank you for reading and I hope you are enjoying the beginning of my adventure! I'm glad to have anyone who visits and please check out my FB Page and countdown with me!! I'm so grateful to all the support I am receiving so far!! So, thank you everyone!!

28 days... 80 pieces to go... Wish me luck!!

I CAN DO THIS!! ♥ I KNOW I CAN!!! >o< *says the un-confident seamstress as she leaves to go sew some more*

Ja ne!

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