Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Shop Under Construction

Hallo again!  Welcome back to another rousing entry to the Ball-Jointed Baby!  >w<  Lol.

First things first, LETTIE HAS ARRIVED!!  She's here, and she's gorgeous!!  Unfortunately, I went to spray her with sealant, and found out my bottle was empty.  x_x  What made me keep the empty bottle and NOT throw it away is a mystery to me, but now I'm waiting on my new can to arrive.  It should be here by Friday, so I can make her perfectly lovely then.  ;)  Lol. (Sorry for the shabby photo, iPhone pic + the last of the quickies I took as I removed her from her box.  Quick eye, wig, and Rolly's apron placement.  Lol.)

I hope everyone is staying well, it's freezing here today, both inside and out, but I'm trying my best at keeping my fingers warm so I can finish working. ;)

If you haven't noticed, the shop is close for "vacation" time.  Lol.  I shut it down for now, so I can re-list and update my listings.  Hopefully, it will look like a brand new store once I finish.  Come February 1st, I shall have new stockings listed in Yo-SD, MSD, and Art Doll sizes.  I wanted to do SD, and it is still on my To-Do List, but I do not have an SD to try things on yet, so those will need to wait until a later time, unfortunately.  :\  Perhaps sometime soon.  ;)

So, this month is stockings and next month is shirts.  I should be able to start early on the shirts, though, since stockings can be made easily in less than an hour for a single pair. (I still sew them by hand, but I've been debating on the sewing machine, not that you can tell the difference. Lol.)

School has begun again as of today, so I'm back to juggling classes and the Etsy store, since Kole has become a cinch.  XD  Lol.  Hopefully I can stay on track as school work picks up.  I'm officially in my required classes for my degree (instead of the basic required classes), so I now have to go to a school and "shadow" a teacher for 35 class hours by the end of my 16 week semester... Well, 15-14 because I wont be able to go to a school until I am placed and properly notified, so hopefully I can get this done well without too many panic attacks.  >.<  I am in Chinese, Education, Algebra II, and Psychology this semester.  Let's hope I can have fun again!  >w<  Learning is always better when one is having fun, and I want to be that classy, fun teacher! >w<

Well, better get back to work!  Thanks for reading~! ♥

See you again soon!
-The BJD Addict

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